Raising a Dog
The formative Period: The first 6 months of your pup’s life are his formative period, during which he learns about life and how to interact with his environment and creating interpersonal relationships with their humans and other animals. You will notice how inquisitive they are about everything. They have to taste, touch, feel and explore every inch of ground they cover. If you follow these simple rules, you will have a wonderful pup for his/her entire life!
1) Do NOT Rough House with your Pup at ALL during their first 6 months.
2) Remember the way you treat them now will determine they way they treat YOU when they are 50+ pounds.
3) Do NOT encourage them to jump up. It's cute now, but will it be cute at 50+ pounds when they have muddy paws and you are on your way to work, or church?
4) All Humans and smaller animals need to maintain dominance over this pup. If small children and animals cannot do this alone, you need to intervene.
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